Biopedagogy (2018)
Developed in collaboration with Glenn Loughran, this performance was sited at the Dublin City Gallery Hugh Lane. Focusing on the relationship between knowledge and automation, the event developed a performative response to emerging explorations of gestural simulation for virtual teaching. Biopedagogy aimed to develop a gestural archive of bodily techniques used in the classroom. Breathing, Gesturing, Laughing and Glancing were performed silently in front of three Joseph Beuys’s blackboards. Audio reflections on the etymology of each category were cited and recited through a series of automated audio recordings played through headphones attached to the performers body. The audience were encouraged to listen to the audio recordings and to accompany the performers movement. Intermittently, the performer would deliver an oral monologue on the etymology of a particular technique (e.g the glance), which concluded with a short contextual reflection on biopedagogy.