Intriguing Relativity I am continuing to work in 3D, with this sketch returning to representations and sensations of passing time. Inspired by Carlo Rovelli’s book The Order of Time, I am responding to the limited and inaccurate attempts to quantify time through visual representations, like the clock. Here I work with the hour glass shape that …

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Beautiful Game I have been working on variations of a theme as I continue to experiment with the form of the mobius strip, after receiving some feedback that the form of the strip tends to have a “science-y” quality to it. It is not surprising, since as a geometric form it is engages with such mathematical …

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Debugging I have finally made the jump and started with 3D. I was trying to create a Mobius strip in reference to the Mobius Artists Group, which I have been part of since 2009. I did not anticipate the challenge of producing this digital object, though managed to find some code to adapt in the …

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Paper Flowers I continue to work with the grid theme, adapting code from the Wireframe sketch. The pink overlaying shapes, or what loosely take the form of flowers, is adapted code from the shape example presented in the Generative Design book. The combination of pseudorandomness with user interaction has been an ongoing aspect of exploration throughout …

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Atom Riverbed I make interfaces messy, leaving traces of entropy as afterimages of gesture. This sketch is more of a doodle, combining aspects of previous sketches. It is a means to pass the time while making; to adapt, combine forms and colours in different ways, and just see what happens. As part of this process, I …

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Expanded Present I started this sketch adapting Dan Shiffman’s repeller example from the Nature of Code. I am interested in capturing qualities of action and reaction, and this example represents it well. I made a number of modifications, such as having the repeller move along the x-axis along with the mouse/touchpad and the qualities of movements …

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Glib Drive (Biometric Version) I have not been posting much lately in terms of the daily sketches because I have been working to prepare four sketches (Viral Time, Peat Bramble, Tether, and Glib Drive) for public presentation. This process has involved adding text and buttons to move between pages, as well as integrating biometric data in Glib Drive. …

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Displacement: A Poetic Meditation on Performance, Time, and Virtual Connections Click the image above to begin. Warning: contains flashing images.

Broad Pixie I have not created many sketches where the images are trying to represent something in particular — I tend to lean towards the abstract. This started with wanting to create honey comb, though I was using a model of not overlapping circles by Daniel Shiffman in his YouTube series Coding Train. However, the hexagon …

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Time is glitchy have an ambivalent relationship with text when it comes to producing art. I find text to be quite loaded and can easily dominate a work, though as I prepare the first public iteration of the project, I know text is going to be necessary. Even though I have been working with Processing for years, …

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